Field Trip with Rebecca Coulter
Saturday, September 30, 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Participation is limited to 15.
Advance registration begins August 30 at or 805/ 693-5683.
Members free/ non-members $20.
Featured photo of Townsend’s Warbler by Liz Muraoka.

Join us for a morning of birding at Miguelito Park and Ocean Beach Park in Lompoc. Fall migration is underway! Southbound migrants are passing through en route to their tropical wintering grounds, while wintering birds, such as White-crowned Sparrow, Townsend’s Warbler, and others, are just arriving to spend the winter here in our region. This seasonal changing of the guard also brings the possibility of wanderers that pop up unexpectedly to surprise and delight birders with a glimpse of something out of the ordinary. Miguelito Park’s variety of trees, shrubs, and open space along San Miguelito Creek can hold many riches. After we’ve explored the park, we will make the trip out to the Santa Ynez River mouth at Ocean Beach Park, where we’ll look for shorebirds, gulls, waterfowl, and raptors, then stay for a picnic lunch before heading home.

Terrain is mostly flat and even, possibly with some walking on sand. There are good facilities at both
locations. Bring lunch, dress in layers, and be prepared for the usual windy conditions at Ocean Beach.
Scopes are appreciated at the beach, and binoculars are essential in both places.

Rebecca Coulter has been birding in the Santa Barbara region for 20 years. She leads field trips and birding classes for the Museum of Natural History and the SBCC Center for Lifelong Learning. She is head compiler for the annual Audubon Christmas Bird Count in Santa Barbara, and enjoys sharing Santa Barbara’s rich bird diversity and wide range of habitats with new birders. She is particularly interested in
teaching how bird sounds can help build identification skills and enjoyment in the field.