Field trip with John Warner and Sally Isaacson
Monday, May 2, 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Trip from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., followed by (optional) picnic 12 to 1 p.m.
Participation is limited to 15. Advance registration opens for Members on Saturday, April 9, at 9:00 a.m. and for Nonmembers on April 19 at syvnhs@syvnature.org or 805/ 693-5683.
Members $15 / Nonmembers $30 / Children $5
Masks are optional for those who have been vaccinated (subject to change).

The Land Trust of Santa Barbara County and staff at their Arroyo Hondo Preserve have generously offered the Society an early opportunity to visit the Preserve in the aftermath of last October’s Alisal Fire. On this field trip we’ll get to take get a close-up look at how the landscape and vegetation are recovering since the wildfire, which burned most of the property (although key infrastructure was saved). We’ll be looking for fire-following annual wildflowers and examining how the canyon’s rich variety of perennials, shrubs, and trees have responded to the fire.

This moderate trip will cover about two miles in two hours of easy hiking. It will be led by the John Warner, resident manager of the Preserve, and Sally Isaacson, education and volunteer coordinator at Arroyo Hondo. John and Sally are the perfect guides for this visit. Sally is a skilled botanist and plant photographer, and was Director of Education for many years at the Santa Barbara Botanic Garden. In addition to his role as steward for the property (along with his wife Jennifer), John is a horticulturist who is well versed in ecological restoration with California native plants.

Registrants are invited to stay after the hike for a sack-lunch picnic in the meadow area (where the Society held its 15th Anniversary event). Wear sturdy hiking or walking shoes, dress in layers, and carry water. Bring a lunch if you plan to stay for the after-hike picnic.