Field trip with Sabina Thomas
This field trip was post-pooned from fall 2021 due to the Alisal Fire.
New date: Saturday, January 29, 2022, 1:30 to 4:00 p.m.
Participation is limited to 18. Advance registration opened based on the previously scheduled date in October. The trip filled, however, check back for updates on capacity. Register at syvnhs@syvnature.org or 805/ 693-5683.
Members $10 / Nonmembers $25 / Children $5
Masks are optional for those who have been vaccinated.
The Monterey Formation defined the coastline in Santa Barbara and is a constant companion when we walk along the beach. It is also beautifully exposed in the high cliffs at Gaviota State Beach and displays an impressive array of weathering in addition to deformational features. If we are lucky, we’ll find some whale fossils, too. This field trip also serves as a warm-up for Susie Bartz’s exploration of Gaviota Beach West which is planned for December 4.
Special instructions: We will be walking along the beach and crossing a small tidal channel—be prepared to get wet feet. Other than that, it’s just a walk along the beach! Bring sun protection and some warm clothing—it often is windy.

Sabina Thomas teaches at Santa Barbara City College and works as a Nature Education Manager at the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History. She is a transplant from Germany who finally made it to California in 2010 and finds the geology and habitats of this state fascinating. Sabina also serves on the Board of SYVNHS.