Field trip with Peter Schneekloth and John Deacon

Gaviota State Park encompasses coastal, riparian, and upland habitats, and participants on this field trip will be able to observe the birds in these varied environments. More than 250 species have been recorded from the park. With the guidance of seasoned trip leaders Peter Schneekloth and John Deacon, we’ll look for birds in the water, on the shore, and along the small stream and estuary at the mouth of Gaviota Creek. We’ll also bird above the beach on the marine terrace, where the vegetation is dominated by coastal sage scrub. Near the water and estuary we can expect to see shorebirds such as Long-billed Curlew, Spotted Sandpiper and Least Sandpiper as well as waterfowl such as Surf Scoter, American Wigeon and Green-winged Teal — or perhaps something more unusual like Common Goldeneye. The pier can often hold an impressive number of gulls, pelicans, and cormorants. Farther inland we are likely to see a mix of wintering sparrows and other common resident birds. With luck we may find a more unusual gull such as Iceland or Glaucous-winged. Peregrine Falcons often appear and the park occasionally provides great looks at Greater Roadrunner and Canyon Wren.

Participants should bring their own binoculars, dress in layers, and pack a snack and water. This field trip is open to all skill levels, although there will be no instruction in basics such as how to use binoculars. We expect to walk about two miles, with a moderate gain and loss in elevation. Participants will split into two smaller groups to allow for a better birding experience. We’ll meet up at the informal trailhead parking for the Wind Caves (directions will be emailed to all registrants), so there will be no State Park entrance fee required.
Peter Schneekloth, a lifelong birder, has traveled extensively in the lower 48 and Alaska in pursuit of birds. A Buellton resident for more than 30 years, he conducts a weekly bird survey at Sedgwick Reserve, and you will often find him birding other locations in the Santa Ynez Valley and around Santa Barbara County.
John Deacon is a local birdwatcher, cofounder of the Los Padres Audubon Society, and current coordinator for the Santa Maria/Guadalupe Christmas Bird Count. He served on the Board of Directors for the Dunes Center and is a docent for the Dunes Center and for the Los Flores Ranch Open Space Park; he leads birding hikes for both organizations. John has published articles on Central Coast birding in Birdwatcher’s Digest and Birdwatching Magazine.
How to Register
Event date: Saturday, November 9, 2024, 8:30 to 11:30 a.m.
Registration opens at 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 9 for members and on Oct. 23 for nonmembers at or 805/693-5683.
Participation is limited to 20. Trip details will be emailed to registrants.
$10 members/ $5 children / $25 nonmembers