Dedicated to the study, exploration, and appreciation of natural history in the Santa Ynez Valley region.

Current Field Trips

All Field Trips Fall 2024 Season

A Nature/Yoga Walk in the Park
Thursday, Sept. 26, 2024

Field trip with Laurie Burnaby and Marion Schlinger
Join Laurie and Marion for a gentle walk along paved or dirt paths in a quiet, park-like area near Buellton. Laurie will incorporate yoga into our walk at strategic stops along the way to enhance the physical and mental experience of nature. Marion will focus your appreciation and attention

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Birding Gaviota State Park
Saturday, Nov. 9, 2024

Field trip with Peter Schneekloth and John Deacon
Gaviota State Park encompasses coastal, riparian, and upland habitats, and participants on this field trip will be able to observe the birds in these varied environments. More than 250 species have been recorded from the park. With the guidance of seasoned trip leaders Peter Schneekloth and John Deacon, we’ll look for birds in the water, on the shore, and

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Advance registration is required for all field trips, and registration must be made before making a payment. Registration instructions are given within each field trip post.

The Society’s field trips cost $10 for members, $5 for children, and $25 per person for non-members.

Please pay for field trips here after you have registered for a field trip.
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