Click to switch to Past Lectures.
2020 – 2021 Program Season:
We had no field trips this season due to the Covid pandemic.
2014 – 2015 Program Season
WORK-in-PROGRESS! We ask for your patience as we continue to transition to our new website. Our previous website served beautifully for a long time, but it finally could not keep up with software advances. See below that several posts are either lacking full text, photos, or both. Sometimes things get lost along the way when moving to a new site, and we’re working to reconstruct as best we can.
Our website shows programs going back to the 2014-2015 season only. The Santa Ynez Valley Natural History Society began providing environmental education in 2000, when it was founded.
If you’re interested in seeing the list of all programs before fall 2014, please contact us at syvnature@syvnature.org.
Santa Ynez Valley
Natural History Society
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The Santa Ynez Valley Natural History Society is almost entirely funded by membership dues. By joining, you help support natural history education and awareness of the Santa Ynez Valley.
The Santa Ynez Valley Natural History Society is a 501 (c)(3) organization. Donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowable by law. Tax ID # 77-0573674
Click here to learn more or to make a donation.