Dedicated to the study, exploration, and appreciation of natural history in the Santa Ynez Valley region.

Past Field Trips

Past field trips are organized below in the Program Season when they occurred. Please note that our “season” runs over two periods, the first beginning in fall of one year and the second beginning in winter the next year.
Search all past field trips using basic keywords, such as a presenter’s name or a topic such as “geology.”

Click to switch to Past Lectures.

2020 – 2021 Program Season:

We had no field trips this season due to the Covid pandemic.

Our programs continue back to 2000

Our website shows programs going back to the 2014-2015 season only. The Santa Ynez Valley Natural History Society began providing environmental education in 2000, when it was founded.

If you’re interested in seeing the list of all programs before fall 2014, please contact us at