Rancho Arbolado
Field Trip with Larry Ballard
Saturday, October 25, 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.
Advance Registration required at
synature@west.net or 693-5683
Participation is limited to 24
Members free/nonmembers $20
Rancho Arbolado is a private ranch located on the ridge between Highway 1and Hollister Ranch. Wind and fog provide a favorable microclimate for huckleberry, Purisima manzanita, Santa Cruz Island oak and a rare mainland population of Santa Rosa Island manzanita. The land was part of the historic Las Cruces and San Julian land grants and continues the tradition of dry land grazing. Under one of the first Williamson Act (Ag Preserve) contracts in Santa Barbara County, the ranch proudly maintains the undeveloped raw and wild condition of those earlieryears. This devoted stewardship of the large, unspoiled nature of Rancho Arbolado makes it a rarity along the coast of California.
This trip is part of the SYVNHS series based on Joan Lentz’s book, A Naturalist’s Guide to the Santa Barbara Region. Participants may enjoy reading Chapter 6: Coastal Plains and Foothills. Dress in layers, also wear sturdy shoes and a hat. Bring water, lunch, and don’t forget your binoculars. The trail is a 3 mile loop with an elevation gain of 600 feet. There are no facilities.
Larry Ballard has an interest in all aspects of the region’s natural history, and has led many trips for our organization as well as for UC Sedgwick Reserve, Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary, Western Field Ornithologists, and the Wildling Museum.