Field trip with Larry Ballard.

Saturday, March 12, 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Participation is limited to 25.
Advance registration required at or 693-5683.
Members free/nonmembers $20.
The Guadalupe-Nipomo Dunes National Wildlife Refuge lies within the largest coastal dune system in California. The hike takes us through dune scrub, a shrub-dominated habitat that includes dune specialist plants along with a number of rare plant species. After a foggy or windy night we’ll see an abundance of mammal, bird and insect tracks. It’s a relatively short hike to Coreopsis Hill with little elevation gain, however it is in loose sand. We will meander along the way, examining spring flowers, insects, and animal sign.
A special use permit granted from the NWR allows us access through the gated entrance at Beigle Rd. along Oso Flaco Lake Road. There are facilities at the parking lot at Oso Flaco Lake about a half mile away. The hike will last from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., so bring a lunch, water, and hat. Dress in layers as weather is changeable and dune winds can be boisterous.
Larry Ballard has an interest in all aspects of the region’s natural history and has led many natural history trips for our organization as well as for other groups and institutions in Santa Barbara County.
Featured photo: Giant Tickseed (Leptosyne gigantea) © Neal Kramer