“Pop-up” Field Trip with Margie Popper, John Evarts, and other special guests
Wednesday, April 26, 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Good physical condition and good balance are essential for this trip.
Participation is limited to 18. Registration opens for members and nonmembers on Friday, April 21 at 9:00 a.m. at syvnhs@syvnature.org or 805/ 693-5683
Members $10 / Nonmembers $25 / Children $5
These fees vary from our standard field trip fees, and all of the proceeds go to UC Sedgwick Reserve.
Directions to our meet-up location at the Reserve and the entrance gate code will be emailed to registrants.

The Blueschist Trail is one of the most floristically diverse and geologically intriguing hiking routes on the entire 5900-acre UC Sedgwick Reserve. This field trip will traverse oak woodlands, coastal sage scrub, chaparral, grasslands, and serpentine outcrops while crossing the dramatic Little Pine fault zone. Along the trail we will be able to see a rich variety of flowering plants, some of which are common and others that are very narrow endemics. There is even a small waterfall, courtesy of the heavy precipitation this past winter. For geology enthusiasts, we will see a fine exposure of blueschist, a special rock within the Franciscan Formation.
The entire loop hike is 4.5 miles, with an elevation gain of over 700 feet. There are four creek crossings over shallow water, and they entail walking across short, wide planks over the stream. Since parts of the trail are steep and/or rutted in some sections, participants are strongly advised to bring trekking poles, sturdy boots, and patience. We plan to offer a slightly shortened version of the hike for anyone who feels that they cannot complete the entire loop, but even the shorter version of the trip will involve the stream crossings and some steep sections of trail. This is not a trip for novice hikers. If you have questions, please text John Evarts at 805/350-4280.

Please bring ample water, and a large snack or light lunch for the planned stop at our viewpoint on the trail. Trekking poles, good shoes (water-resistant are suggested), and ample drinking water are strongly advised. If you own a high-clearance AWD or 4WD vehicle, we’ll use those to get to the trailhead, where parking is limited.
Margie Popper and her husband John Evarts are avid students of natural history and experienced trip leaders. They are retired publishers and contributing authors for Cachuma Press, which was known for its natural history and gardening titles, such as Oaks of California and California Native Plants for the Garden. They are Sedgwick Reserve docents, NatureTrack docents, and among the co-founders of the Santa Ynez Valley Natural History Society in 2000.